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Unsure what direction to take? Enjoy being outdoors and interested in exploring Horticulture, Permaculture, Sustainable Farming and Conservation & Ecosystem Management?

CERES School of Nature & Climate introduces the GREEN PATHWAYS PROGRAM – a FREE 6 month program for those who are 18 to 25.
The Green Pathways Program consists of 2 Immersive onsite CERES Courses designed to introduce participants to a broad range of topics related to sustainable green career pathway options. The program also includes work experience opportunities with CERES and partner Inner North organisations, and further study and employment pathway advice and support.

Application Process
Applicants are asked to complete the EOI Form below to register their interest
or alternatively contact  adultlearning@ceres.org.au for any queries.

This Program is generously funded by the Inner North Community Foundation.

Course Content

Course length:
February to July 2025, 2 days per week (6 months)
Whats Included:

  • 2 on-site courses:                                                                               
    – Urban Farmer Basics.                                                                      
    – Intro to Land Restoration & Ecosystem Management. 

  • 2 work experience placements at CERES and another partner inner north organisation.
  • Further study and employment pathway advice and support.

** A certificate will be issued upon completion of at least 75% of the Course componenents

Meet your trainers

Trainer details coming soon

What to bring and expect

What should I bring?

  • Comfortable enclosed shoes/boots
  • Gardening gloves
  • Appropriate weather gear eg sunhat
  • Pen and paper
  • Lunch
  • Enthusiasm to learn and get your hands dirty

What should I wear?

  • Casual clothing (Warning: This might get messy)

Green Pathways Program Enquiry

Please let us know a little bit about why you are interested in the Green Pathways Program.
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