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Event Series Event Series: Deep Time Walk

A Deep Time Walk is storytelling through walking, it is a learning journey through our body, mind and soul, and a beautiful way to tell the story of life. Part history lesson, part mindfulness session this walk is all about stepping out of our lives and seeing the biggest picture.

This 4.6km walk, through CERES and along the Merri Creek, represents the 4.6 billion years of Earth’s history. Distance is a powerful tool to help us understand vast time scales, and along the walk we will stop to discuss the key moments in the development of our planet.

In the course of this immersive, interdisciplinary experience you will:

  • Grasp the real meaning of 4,600,000,000 years, the age of our home, and put its history into perspective
  • Learn about the Gaia hypothesis of a self-regulating planet
  • Explore the destructive impact our species is having on the living world
Meet your trainer

Tammy has a background in health psychology and believes that a strong emotional connection with the natural world is good for personal well-being, while also promoting climate awareness and action.

Tammy learnt about Deep Time Walks from Debby Badger who studied at the Schumacher College in Devon UK, and quickly saw their value in encouraging deep ecological awareness and an understanding of our planet as a precious environment from which all life has emerged. Tammy hopes the walks will renew individuals’ emotional connection with Earth and motivate them to take a more active role in confronting the climate crisis.

Tammy’s website introduces you to the notion of deep time walks, or, for more information about the Deep Time Walk project, visit www.deeptimewalk.org.

Workshop Specifics

What should I bring?

  • A bottle of water

What should I wear?

  • Comfortable clothing and footwear

    “I absolutely loved the walk. I like that it was informative and also encouraged my curiosity.

    “The embodied dimensions (marking out space and time with a tape measure, paying attention to my steps, using landmarks as markers of time, etc) were incredibly powerful.”

    Previous Deep Time Walkers

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