A high school student picks up plastic rubbish and waste from a waterway.

Towards Zero Waste Excursion Y7&8

Turn waste into a valuable resource.





Full day 10am – 2pm $590 per group (max 25 students) +$10 booking fee


One adult: 20 students. Minimum of 1 staff per group

Explore the impacts of waste, develop an action plan while discovering solutions to reduce waste and demonstrate ways to turn waste into a valuable resource.

  • Students explore waste’s role in pollution and climate change
  • Students understand that waste is a resource, and its effective management can provide solutions to sustainability challenges
  • Students reflect on the social and environmental benefits of zero waste, relating to individual and community health and wellbeing

“The Towards Zero Waste program was the perfect way for our students to extend what they had been investigating in the classroom with some great hands on activities. The students really enjoyed being able to connect their learning to what they were seeing and doing at CERES.” – Year 8 Teacher

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