Early learning
Our early learning activities are based on nature connection and wellbeing, inspired by our values at CERES: “helping people fall in love with the Earth, again.”
What a year it has been for ResourceSmart Schools! We\’ve enjoyed working with schools in the Northern, Southern and Eastern metro regions through their modules and Stars to progress through to 5Star status. This year we worked with a total of 378 schools and centres, with 80 receiving certification in a module and/or Star.
To further support schools through the program, we ran 13 regional Progress workshops throughout the year in the Northern, Southern and Eastern metro regions, which were attended by a total of 252 teachers. Thanks to the following schools for hosting these events –
Financially, schools in the 3 regions kicked goals with a saving of $1,608,063 in 2017 as a result of some impressive environmental savings.
At this year\’s ResourceSmart Schools Awards, 19 schools in the Northern, Southern and Eastern metro regions were up as finalists, with 6 schools taking out awards in 8 categories. Huge congratulations to the following schools:
Biodiversity School of the Year Primary – Firbank Grammar (Sandringham)
Waste School of the Year Primary – Manchester Primary School (Mooroolbark)
Waste School of the Year Secondary – Nossal High School (Berwick)
Student Action Team of the Year Secondary – Cheltenham Secondary College (Cheltenham)
Teacher of the Year Primary – Mount Waverley Primary School (Mt Waverley) – Loretta Leary
School of the Decade, Leadership School of the Year, and Community Leadership School of the Year – St. Louis de Montfort\’s Primary School
Here’s an overview of CERES’ delivery of ResourceSmart Schools in 2017:
Congratulations to all schools for achieving these amazing results this year! We look forward to continuing our work with you in 2018 in helping you to progress further towards achieving 5Star status!
– CERES Education Outreach team